Happy World Teachers' Day

by - October 05, 2021


To front-liners in the education field who have displayed unmitigated leadership and innovation, as they have done so time and again, just to make sure that learning never stops, we tip our hats to all of you. You guys have worked so passionately in finding solutions and in the process have beautifully created new learning environments for learners to allow education to continue. Thank you for being open to change, thank you for unlearning old methodologies to make way for new ones, and thank you for embracing and adapting to the changes that the new normal has brought.

Chalkboard art by Miss Lieza for Teacher's Day 2019

To our dear HFLC teachers, even though we are beleaguered by this perplexing virus that kept us from celebrating this significant occasion like we used to, there is but one gift that we can give to all of you even from a distance, PRAYER. May the Almighty Father bless you with the courage to face your daily tasks, good health, and patience as you continue to be the purveyor of godly values. We acknowledge the significant role you play in our education and in our lives, today and every day!

Happy World's Teachers' Day from all of us at HFLC!

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